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品牌名中的 YUE 取自设计师YUE ZHOU的名,而后的 SPHERE 意为“场域”。

逾越灵魂的场域,探索一刹那的感觉,是 YUESPHERE 珠宝品牌成立的初心。通过探索不同材质的可能性,品牌以通透的光感,表达那凝结成电光石火的感受空间。

流水化的工业品无法唤醒久违的好奇与想象,倾心手作的 YUESPHERE 却尽是设计师于日常中珍存的细腻感受。

在 YUESPHERE 的世界里,珠宝是为所有热爱时尚与艺术的人而创作的,无关性别,无拘年龄。在探索多种可拆卸元素不同佩戴方式的过程中,佩戴者与 YUESPHERE 珠宝的互动赋予了其独一无二的个性和意义,这也是设计师所要传递的理念。



Inspired by serendipities in life, designer YUE pushes the boundary of physical dimensions while exploring vast possibilities of different materials.

Understated and sophisticated, YUESPHERE’s jewellery pieces, with their divine mix of stones and metals, and all those glimmering embellishments, capture striking and refreshing moments and share those flashing impressions and artistic sparkles to people who love art and fashion, regardless of gender or age.

YUESPHERE was founded in 2020. All pieces are designed and handcrafted by artisans in China.

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