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设计师品牌 YUEQI QI 于 2019 创立,品牌擅⻓从中国传统意象中汲取灵感,以⻓情与相守为出发点,凭借独创的珠串梭织技术对传统与本能信念进行诠释,将中国传统元素中的浪漫与美感注入服饰之中,创造一个⻛格迥异的女装设计文化。

精致的工艺与独创的织造面料赋予了品牌 YUEQI QI 独特的⻛格与质感。高定刺绣、玻璃珠串交错在色彩明亮张扬的面料中,正如品牌 DNA 中浪漫与荒诞的交织。品牌希望能传承细腻的编织技术并发展创新面料,在对传统工艺进行不断的探索与实验中,借由高定理念进行革新,推动女装的感知界限。

YUEQI QI was founded in 2019,It is the namesake label of Chinese designer YUEQi Qi. Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese culture and interpreting traditions and instinctive belief of love with bead work, YUEQI QI presents its romantic, modern vintage brand aesthetic.

With exquisite embroidery and glass beads interlaced in effervescent printed fabric, every piece is given a unique silhouette. In the continuous exploration and experimentation of traditional craftsmanship, YUEQI QI hopes to inherit delicate beading techniques and develops innovative fabrics, pushing the boundaries of
womenswear culture.

Available for purchase IN-STORE only

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