the world is your oyster
the world is your oyster 专为新一代而创,每一款设计都洋溢独特个性,清晰简约的传统剪裁与想象力丰富的前卫细节相辅相成,突显了当代人开放的思维、自由的精神和充满诗意的灵魂。该品牌的成衣系列在品质与风格上精益求精,采用顶级日本及意大利面料,展现优越的实用性和多元性。2015年, THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER在眾多品牌中脫穎 而出,被著名時裝店-連卡佛選為THE NEXT NEW 2015, 其系列迅即被引入到香港、上海和成都等分店售賣。同年,更被國際著名的美國時裝店,Opening Ceremony 在其” Year of China”企劃中選出的唯一的香港品牌代表,並於其紐約、洛杉磯和網店售賣。2017年,品牌被FASHION ASIA HONG KONG 选為 “10 Asian Designers to Watch” 。
the world is your oyster is a Hong Kong- based contemporary label founded in 2015 by Clavin Chan and Joyce Kun. With exploration, experimentation and emotion at its core, the brand reimagines traditional clothing for a new generation. The brand has been showcased by exclusive retailers in the US and China, and in 2017 was selected as one of the "10 Asian Designers to Watch" for Fashion Asia 2017 Hong Kong.