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ΤΗΕ BLENDER “Α Piece of Desire” ,一个专为现代女性设计的轻运动风格贴身衣物品牌,成⽴ 于2018年。ΤΗΕ BLENDER以“混合”为名,将⾊彩,建筑,艺术和现代文化融合于设计中,并结合先进的无缝针织工艺,透过时尚的语言,将内⾐作为穿搭的一部分,赋予内衣在日常生活中更多元化的价值。⿎励现代⼥性展示自我之美,无惧欲望,拥抱真实的⾃⼰。
Founded in 2018, THE BLENDER is a light sport style intimate clothing brand designed for modern women. ΤΗΕ BLENDER, like blending, aim to integrate colour, architecture, art and the modern cultural into the design. Using advanced seamless knitting craft, through the language of fashion, allow underwear as part of outfit, giving underwear a more diversified value in our daily life. To encourage modern women to show their beauty and embrace their true selves without fear of desire.
Available for purchase IN-STORE only
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