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MENDI.J 是一个包容性的概念服装品牌,于2021年成立。品牌的哲学概念来源于太极,意在传达具有包容多样性的情感,以创新环保的设计工艺带来温暖的诚意。品牌每一季都会以一个小人物作为角色去刻画一个场景,反应一个社会缩影或者理念,因为比起那些为数不多的大人物,他们是更大多数的,是旺盛鲜活的,是我们每一个人。品牌倡导普世的可持续发展时尚态度,以用心环保的材料与设计去传达产品背后的诚意,并且期待消费者善待每一件产品,而非随处可弃‘潮流时尚单品’,让你珍惜对待的外衣陪你度过每一个春夏秋冬才是最浪漫的时尚态度。

MENDI.J is an inclusive concept clothing brand that launched in 2021. The philosophical concept of the brand comes from Tai Chi, which aims to convey inclusive and diverse emotions and bring warm sincerity with innovative and environmentally friendly design technology.

Every season, the brand will use a small figure as a role to depict a scene, reflecting a microcosm or concept of society, because compared with those few big figures, they are the more vigorous and lively majority, is every one of us.


The brand advocates the universal sustainable fashion attitude, with the intention of environmental protection materials and design to convey the sincerity behind the product, and expect consumers to nicely  treat every product, rather than abandon 'fashion items', letting you cherish the clothing that accompany you through every season, which is the most romantic fashion attitude.

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