I Suddenly Sneezed. 在2014年由平面设计师莫厚切创立,是其工作室ROOMM旗下的一个项目品牌。深受日本文化影响,品牌命名源于日本诗人谷川俊太郎的诗句。这恰好是设计师的自我暗示——用一切可能的方式,制造如同打喷嚏一样积蓄已久的随意爆发。
我们画画、制作动画和影像,纪录创作中的不安并把它制作出来,于是大部分鞋履系列都跟随插画故事展开。叛逆、不安分、刚烈的绘画基因深植于I Suddenly Sneezed.的鞋履设计中。
现在,I Suddenly Sneezed.正以独特的色彩、趣味性结合实穿性设计更多场合感鞋履。受众为关注艺术、设计和生活方式、偏爱轮廓感、中性风格的女孩。
I Suddenly Sneezed. Founded in 2014 by graphic designer MO HOU QIE, it is a project brand under his studio ROOMM. Deeply influenced by Japanese culture, the brand name originates from the poem of Japanese poet Totaro Tanigawa. This is exactly what the designers are saying to themselves -- to create random eruptions, like sneezes, in every possible way. We draw, animate and video, document the uneasiness of creation and make it, so most of the shoe series follows the story of the illustration. The rebellious, restless, rigid painting is deeply embedded in I Suddenly Sneezed.’s shoe design. Now, I Suddenly Sneezed. is combining unique color and fun with wearability for more occasions. The audience is girls who care about art, design and lifestyle, and prefer silhouettes and gender-neutral styles.