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ANGUS CHIANG成立于2015年,品牌创立秉持着以当代中性风格男装并加入在地文化做为设计发想,并借由其在生活中所经历过不同文化的经验,以拼贴等方式融合固有的基础概念,将中国文化的独特美感与幽默趣味融入服装之中,创造一个独特混合设计文化。

品牌设计师江奕勋设计的灵感来自于生活周遭的经验及书籍的启发,其毕业作品"Sailing to the Moon"代表学校参加伦敦毕业展时装周,在全球20间顶尖服装学校里夺下2013年度国际时装新锐设计师首奖(London Graduate Fashion Week - The International Show Award)。此外,品牌于第六季19春夏开始发展女装系列,其目的为加以模糊前五季的中性男装风格而表露出的服装性别,欲传达服装是生活态度的意识表态,而非用以区分性别。

ANGUS CHIANG was founded in 2015. The brand is based on contemporary androgynous men's wear and local culture. With his experience of different cultures in life, ANGUS CHIANG combines the inherent basic concepts through collage and other ways to integrate the unique beauty of Chinese culture into the clothing. Create a unique hybrid design culture.

The Designer is inspired by his life experiences and books, His graduation work "Sailing to the Moon" represented the school in the London Graduation Fashion Week and won The 2013 London Graduate Fashion Week - The International Show Award from 20 top Fashion schools around The world. In addition, the brand began to develop women's clothing series in 19SS. Its purpose is to blur the gender of clothing revealed by the neutral men's style of the previous five seasons, and to convey the consciousness that clothing is a statement of life attitude, rather than to distinguish gender.

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