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TysGrocery是一个成立于2018年的配饰品牌,这个名字来自主理人之前经营的一家口味独到的二手配饰商店。稍异于传统配饰的价值感与审美曲调,Ty'sGrocery更注重与佩戴者产生喜剧感的配合,从而找到一种新奇, 温柔,而又戏谑的气质!他融化于不同的主题探索着作为配饰的更多可能。
TysGrocery is an accessories brand founded in 2018, taking its name from a previously owned second-hand accessories store with a unique taste. Slightly different from the sense of value and aesthetic tune of traditional accessories, TysGrocery pays more attention to the cooperation with the wearer’s comedy, thus finding a novelty, tenderness, and playfulness! He melts into different themes and explores more possibilities as an accessory.
TysGrocery is an accessories brand, but also a lot like a prop grocery store.
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