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motoguo 是成立于 2015 年的⻢来西亚设计师品牌,由设计师 Moto Guo &Kinder Eng 协同商业伙伴 Jay Perry Ang 共同创立。motoguo 的所有系列作品都是 Moto 和 Kinder各自怪诞不经的奥妙结合,不为男装或女装而设限。 Moto 对服装根本的功能性的敏感和掌握 与 Kinder 与生俱来的感性和天⻢行空的创意发想总是能够奇妙地通过创作结合在一起。他们俩各别的独特个性的融合犹如人类的大脑:左脑就是 Moto 而 Kinder 则是右脑。

凭借二人的直觉,对视觉效果的把控,以及对浪漫的向往,他们的系列让人想起每个人的童年的时光,沉浸在异想天开和⻤⻢中,并带有一丝愤世嫉俗 BRAND的光芒。

motoguo is a Malaysian-based eponymous label, founded in 2015 by creative directors, Moto Guo, Kinder Eng, and business partner, Jay Perry Ang. The label pushes the boundaries of gender, fashion, and fluidity, progressively creating a space for anyone in between.

With the duo’s detailed intuitions, precise visions, and a certain inclination for romance, their collections are reminiscent of everyone’s childhood nostalgia immersed in whimsicality and playfulness, topped with a sparkleof cynicism.

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