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EMPTY BEHAVIOR 是由主理人陈奕昌和钱舟于2020年创立的实验性鞋履品牌。

品牌名译为“空白的行为”,源起于“万物皆虚,万事皆允”,意图传达一切创意都被允许的理念,将大胆试验性与古典人文精神深植于品牌之中。 主理人共同的设计初衷是将产品作为小型建筑并以工业和建筑语言进行诠释,打开时装鞋履设计边界,赋予时装艺术化新的可能。


EMPTY BEHAVIOR is an experimental footwear brand founded by Chen Yichang and Qian Zhou in 2020. The name originates from the ancient philosophy that “all things are empty and allowed”. It suggests all creative possibilities are legitimate, embedding bold experiments and classical humanism in the brand DNA.

The two founders craft shoes as miniature buildings in a design language that is industrial and architectural, pushing the boundaries of fashion footwearand introducing new possibilities to art up fashion.


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